I think that people on the internet exist kinda intuitively. Media literacy is a diverse, multilayered and multifaceted skill which is something we’re typically not born with and for an average person is usually acquired by themselves and with the help of superficial overviews from their school, university or people around them. Even though I don’t want to diminish the value of self learning, often it’s not enough and might exclude some nuances or important techniques to do things more effectively. 

This training course on media literacy (which was part of the “Browse your education” project and took place in april) gave guidelines for structuring the skills that we’ve absorbed intuitively and through different information outlets and gave us a way to convey them to youth, so I would say it was very valuable for youth workers. With the help of this course together we questioned, solidified, diversified and added to our already existing knowledge on media literacy looking more into its aspects like critical thinking, rhetorics, text criticism, logical fallacies and misinformation, after which we made and gathered guidelines and diverse methods on how to lead media literacy workshops for youth. 

As our training group was relatively small, we were able to go more in depth and discuss more, also – get to know each other on a deeper level. What added to this already valuable experience – we also got a taste of Sardinian culture by attending a traditional festival in the village of Seulo and had evening tours around the city of Cagliari. 

This training course helped me with questioning and structuring my knowledge and is already useful in my youth work. I have a feeling people can guess that overall I think that this was a valuable activity of the “Browse your education” project. 

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