Think 2ice: training course on media literacy in youth work was a KA1 a training course which was implemented from 24th to 30th of August 2020 in Riga, Latvia involving 22 participants, trainers, and facilitators from Latvia, Italy Hungary, Germany, and Slovakia. During the training course, youth workers explored the concept of fake news, different ways how to check the sources of information, how to understand the difference between different types of wrong representation of information, were equipped with skills on how to facilitate workshops regarding critical thinking and media literacy, explored propaganda concept in regards of local history. This project was a result of cooperation among – EvolvingYOUth (Latvia) – TDM 2000 (Italy) – HORIZONT e.V. (Germany) – EMINA Pályaorientációs Alapítvány (Hungary) – Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Association of Slovakia (Slovakia)

More about the course read here –

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